No.65 Kyaikwine Pagoda Road, Mayangone Township, Yangon
Ph 95-01-9661310, 95-01-650493
In 1954 a committee of 12 members with U Ba Saw the Minister for Social Welfare acting as the Chairman was formed in order to rehabilitate the disabled person in a plot of land of 50.9 acres.
In 1965 the work and tasks were handed over to the Department of Health and Social welfare and the school was focus on training of social welfare personnel and trainees.
This Institution was officially opened with the name of Social Welfare Training School on 1st January 1977, the objectives are as follows-
- To enhance capacity building for the staff.
- To turn out the voluntary social workers.
- To study international social work practices and to carry out social research.
- To co-operate with the international community through social welfare services.
- To contribute human resources development.
- Overview trainings and Up-date training manuals.
1. Basic Office Work Training
2. Refresher Course on Office Work
3. Training for Staff Officers
4. Early Childhood Care and Development Training(In-service)
5. Early Childhood Care and Development Training(Voluntary Pre School)
6. Early Childhood Care and Development Training(Private Pre School)
7. Voluntary Social Welfare Officer Course
8. Computer Training (Level-1)
9. Computer Training (Level-2)
10. Workshop for Warden in Institutions
11. Training for Probation Officer in Institutions
12. Training of Voluntary Probation Officers
13. ECCD Training of Baby Nursing Assistant Teacher
14. Multiplier Course on Social Work
15. Training for Voluntary Social Worker(Voluntary Youth Organizations)
16. Training for Voluntary Social Worker(Elderly care)
17. Training for Voluntary Social Worker(Ex-drug Rehabilitation)
Principals of Social Welfare Training School
No Name Rank Duration
1 U Tin Shwe Principal 1-1-1977 to 15-2-1977
2 U Sung Khar Principal 16-2-1977 to 15-6-1983
3 Daw Aye Yi Principal 16-6-1983 to 5-9-1986
4 Daw Yin Yin Kyin Principal 6-9-1986 to 10-10-1989
5 U Soe Lwin Principal 1-1-1990 to 3-6-1992
6 Dr. Myint Myint Thein Principal 4-6-1992 to 25-1-1993
7 U Mg Myint Principal 6-1-1993 to 17-6-1993
8 U Ye` Myint Principal 18-6-1993 to 2-9-1998
9 U Soe Moe Aung Principal 13-10-1998 to 7-12-1999
10 Daw Tin Tin Mya Principal 3-8-2000 to 31-3-2004
11 U Than Htut Swe Principal 1-4-2004 to 30-6-2005
12 Daw Htwe Myint Principal 1-7-2005 to 16-5-2007
13 Daw Khin May Zin Principal 17-5-2007 to (Up to Now)